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Past Puppies 6

We have so many beautiful updates on our puppies that we had to start another page.....Thanks to everyone that sent updates.

Check out all the beauties below...

Just wanted to send you pictures of our Porkchop ..

He really isn't miniature anymore...

But I can't imagine my days without him..!

Thanks again for our pup..!!

Tammy Moore & Josh Baldwin

My boyfriend Kenan and I purchased one of your Valley Bulldogs the end of September…his name is Tyson. He is such a joy! J He is already potty trained, already learned to sit, give paw, sleeps all throughout the night and is such a wonderful addition!! We could not be happier! He is now 16 weeks and 20 lbs!! I can not believe how fast he is growing. He is 100% healthy and we couldn’t thank you enough for such a loving, great puppy!!

Thanks again,

Kristie & Kenan

Hi this is Kaylee. We bought a puppy from you on march 22 and she

is doing very good. Payslee loves playing with our other Yorkie sly.

She is energetic and loving. I thought I'd send you another picture

she has grown so much! She will be one on January 20th. Thank you

for her she is so sweet!



My boyfriend Johnny and I purchased a puppy from you a few days before

this past Christmas. We just wanted to send a photo and let you know

we couldn't be happier! Maggie is so sweet, loving and full of

personality! She truly is a joy to have in our lives!

Thank you!

Sophia & Johnny

Remi is so cute.......

Hello Trish, we are so happy with remi. He is getting so big, and he loves to go camping. Him and the baby are good friends. He is so spoiled.

Trish, I just want to thank you and your business riverside puppies for my precious CoCo Shes such an amazing dog. She does great with my son, very well temperament and adorable to boot! Thank you again so much <3 Brittany Mason

Toby 3 1/2 months old guarding his new toys lol.. He is such a loving puppy so full of energy :)

Hi Trish! Just wanted to update you on Bella, our mini bulldog that we bought from you in November. She is the perfect puppy and my big baby :) she LOVES car rides and she goes everywhere with Nick and I. I even bring her to work with me at the tanning salon I work at sometimes! She is growing so fast and weighs 20.6 pounds but loves to be held and snuggled with at night! Thank you so much!

-Nick and Tymme

Good morning Trish!

Opie is doing wonderful. By far, my favorite dog I have ever ownedJ We love him so much, he is spoiled rotten but that’s OK. We do have to keep a belly band on him because he marks on EVERYTHING!! Oh lord, he’s bad. We tried everything, with no luck and finally found these at the pet store.

We got a little girl from a friend last April, she is a little bigger than Opie. He’s a tiny thing. He weighs about 4 lbs & she weighs about 6. They are good playmates. I have attached a picture of all of my babies. Sugar is the white boxer & the other Yorkie is Lily. They are sweethearts as well .

We talk about our little trip to get Opie at your place all the time. I didn’t want another dog (I have a boxer)and I fussed the entire 4 hour trip there LOL!! Let me tell you though, that has been one of the most fun & memorable trips I have ever been on. Yeah it took us 8 hours round trip but what fun memories made with my friends & my sweet Opie

Sorry for getting back with you so late, I was off on vacation for awhile & just playing catch up. I hope you had a nice Christmas & New Years! I see you are having an addition to your family, how exciting!!!

Take care!


I got this pup from you 2 years ago. I came from NJ and picked her up. This is her now. Shes a wonderful dog with a perfect personality. I will be looking to get another pug in the next year or two, as soon as I am ready to do so I will try contacting you to see if you can find another one. Shes a very smart dog, easy to train and lovable. By far the best purchase I have ever made. I ended up naming her pancakes.

Hey Trish!

My name is Alison Blankenship. My husband and I bought a yorkie-poo from you last year........actually it will be a year tomorrow, February 18th. we want to apologize to you for not sending you a picture sooner. We named our puppy Chloe. she is a year old now and about 10 lbs. She has been a lot of fun and thinks everything is a game! She loves to bark! we are pretty sure its her favorite thing to do. haha. She is a smart puppy. she loves to run and jump. let me tell you she loves to run fast and jump high. Justin, my husband, says this summer he is going to build an agility course for her and see how she does. She loves going for walks, always has her nose to the ground smelling everything. She is very spoiled puppy. Justin says she has more treats than he does. She loves to eat her own food and ours too. Thank you for letting us come and purchase her. she has been a great addition to our family, even my dad likes her and he doesn't really like dogs. But he has a soft spot for her. She gets on his lap and he will start scratching and rubbing her and she will stay there for hours. Both of her grandmothers love her to death. they love spoiling her.

Thank you again!

Alison & Justin Blankenship

Hi Trish,

My husband and I came to your house and bought a mini-bully puppy from you on Saturday, February 4, 2012. We have decided to name him Charlie! I can't tell you how happy we are with our little Charlie. He is such a playful little fellow and his house training is also coming along very nicely. I cannot thank you enough for starting him out on that. He is very well behaved, and is very good with all of our nieces and nephews which is really great! He loves to play with us, but will also just lay next to us to sleep all snug and tucked in. He is honestly better than we could have ever imagined!

I also wanted to update you on the fact that we took him to Kinkade's Animal Hospital on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 and Dr. Sullivan gave him a clean bill of health with the exception of the ear mites, (which we had discussed already). He gave us some medicine for that as well and we are in the process of eliminating those from the little guy's ears. I have included a scanned copy of his shot records below, which Dr. Sullivan has signed at the bottom to indicate that he has seen Charlie. We are taking him back on February 22, 2012 for his next set of shots as well.

I have included a picture of my husband and Charlie at the bottom of this email. Charlie has been a great addition to our little family and we couldn't imagine not having him around. I cannot thank you and your family enough and will recommend you to anyone interested.

Have a great day!

Heather Clark

Hey Trisha,

I just wanted to say thank you again we named the Chorkie ( Toby)

Toby has brought so much love to our family

we bought gizmo from you for our daughter and as you can see he is a spoiled baby and loved by all. They have new grandson born Jan 24 2012 and when he whimpers or cries gizzie takes dog toy to him. Just thought you would enjoy seeing him. We also bought Oscar the rescue pug my oldest daughter bought sassie a bully from you and they are all big parts of our families. Thanks so much. Barb Wigal

Here is pic of the puppy we got from you the end of September she is a great dog we love her alot... That's why we wanna get her a friend... Thanks for her

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